Saturday, August 1, 2009

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?



Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

you have a beautiful face so your hair doesnt really matter when people see you because you face shines but its simple.

1)grow your hair out a little more...yes the days with a BIG afro mght be painful but the end result is worth it

2) add some serum and mousse after washing

3) grab abt 1in diameter sections and wrap them around your fingers

4)hairspary and blowdry does the rest

i saw this on what not to wear and she turned aout very pretty


Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

firstly it needs to be longer n 2ndly all you do is back comb it in sections and twist it round

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

try twisting it

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

Why would u want your hair like that i think ur hair looks really pretty and healthy the way it is I wish i had hair like u !

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

Grow it and get a stylist you know.. :)

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

haha cute use a comb, twist it , use gel

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

First off, you need to let it grow more. Then you take a comb and pul chunks at a time out, it should make it i guess (stringy) looking like in the pic. I'm not sure, but this should work. Try it! good luck.

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

i think your face is gorgeous !

try modeling. (:

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

grow it out and go to the barber shop to get it twisted and stuff

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

braid it

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

go to a stylist, and u r very pretty btw

Afro Hair!!! (picture involved)?

well, that's his natural hair texture. to achieve a similar look, you can do finger coils

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