Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

I'm just wondering how you think I should dye my hair.

I'm open to all suggestions, and don't forget to include pictures!


also my hair is thick and wavy as you can see here

I was thinking of dyeing my hair a shade lighter to bring out the redness, and then maybe do some blonde and black streaks.

Let me know what you think.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

Maybe it's just the lighting in the first picture but your hair has a lovely red tone to it. I would go for a really rich red-brown. Think cinnamon.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

i would make it darker...

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

i like it the way it is but if you want to dye it dont do blonde, black, and a lighter shade thats too much and wont look very good.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

carmel (and straighten it every day)!!!!

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

maybe a light brown with blond streaks.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

leave it the way u have it its pretty.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

do whatever u want. this isnt very helpful but its your hair! Dont do too much tho. hair dye is made out of chemicals and might make your hair fall out.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

dont dye it specialy blonde would be terrible,just a lil lighter maybe.....

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

i would go blonde and straighten it

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

Yea i think that would look nice on you. :)

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?


How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

I think a blonde would look great! Without the black streaks though..I just think that's tacky!

A blonde would look great on your complexion though!

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

I would die your hair light brown with dirty blonde highlights and dark brown low lights

閳?br>How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

yeah blond and black streaks that cool yeah yeah do that that a safe styles will look good too

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

please do not do the black streaks I think it makes girls look tacky,you are Beautiful already But I would say yes to the red Idea.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

With your skin tone, and seeing how its almost fall, you should definitely go with a dark chocolate brown with some piece-y caramel highlights. It will really make your eyes stand out. But you're a pretty girl, so go with your gut.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

always take your skin tone into consideration. For example if you are very fair skinned a dark coloured hair dye will make you look insipid. I would seek the advice of a professional hairdresser even if you do not go for an appointment. Ask her advice. If you are doing this at home, why not start off with a water rinse colour, or a temp colour that only lasts a few washes. So once you have the colour in you can see how you like it before doing a permanent colour the next time.

Another point is if you have red shade in your hair be careful as you may throw out a gold that can be more like an orange colour, instead of a natural highlight.

All things to consider anyway, hope this helps.

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

a nice natural red if not midnight black

and get some layers taken out too

so it would be more manageable

and those highlights just clash

so pick one solid color

How should I dye my hair (picture included)?

well I think you would look awesome in black xP (but no, you don't want 2 do it black)

orrrr you could do brown hair and blonde highlights... ORRR you could do red hair and blonde highlights. either one would look nice on you. =)

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